
What Do Rain Gauges Work?

Due to the strong regional and diurnal variation of rainfall, it was difficult to detect rainfall accurately in the past. After the establishment of modern scientific observation system in the West, many famous scientists, including Franklin, began to conduct in-depth research on automatic quantitative measurement of rainfall. Therefore, later appeared in different forms or principles

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Agricultural remote monitoring system based on sensor

Background With the development of Internet of Things technology, sensors and wireless transmission technology have been widely used in smart agriculture. Smart agriculture is based on traditional agriculture, equipped with advanced facilities and perfect monitoring systems. Wireless transmission systems based on Lora technology can improve agricultural productivity and reduce environmental pollution, thereby maximizing cost savings

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The Best Evaporation Sensor for Weather Station

The evaporation sensor is a meteorological monitoring instrument used to observe the evaporation of water surface. It adopts a double-layer stainless steel structure design, which can prevent the evaporation error caused by direct sunlight. Compared with other weather sensors, it has higher precision, high sensitivity and wide range. It can quickly and accurately measure the

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Perfect combination of soil nutrient detector and smart phone

Background: Agriculture has changed a lot in the past hundred years. New technology like electric equipment and synthetic fertilizers have empowered farmers to grow large amounts of food more successfully and predictably than ever before. However, many modern farming practices aren’t effective long term. Tilling and chemical sprays wear down soil health and affect future

Perfect combination of soil nutrient detector and smart phone Read More »

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