Soil sensors in agriculture
What can farming do with soil salinity sensors? Soil is the main material basis for the survival of plants. It provides the water, fertilizer, heat and air necessary for growing crops. The rapid development of science and technology in today’s society. There is no need to rely on traditional experience to judge the soil requirements for agricultural cultivation. A variety of smart soil sensors are available. Make modern agriculture more efficient and accurate, all kinds of soil detectors for agricultural planting production to provide scientific data basis. What specific parameters need to be monitored?

Soil salinity sensor
Soil salinity sensors are used for field crop irrigation, soil-air changes and surface monitoring. Soil moisture, soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium content and pH value are common monitoring parameters. The sensor technology of the Internet of Things is playing an increasingly important role in the development of precision agriculture. Thus, scientific monitoring and rational planting can be realized to help farmers resist and reduce disasters. So, we improve the comprehensive benefits of agriculture and promote the transformation and upgrading of modern agriculture.

Soil salinity sensors are used to monitor crop irrigation, soil-air changes and large surface areas. Soil moisture, soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium content and pH value. Sensing technology is playing an increasingly important role in the development of precision agriculture. In this way, scientific monitoring and rational planting can be achieved to help farmers resist and reduce disasters. It can help farmers improve the comprehensive benefits of agriculture and promote the transformation and upgrading of modern agriculture.
Soil EC sensor is suitable for farmland production, soil research, greenhouse planting, orchard nursery, all kinds of horticultural soil testing, support parameter free customization, multi in one soil sensor soil sensor customization.

Soil multi-parameter sensor video