a weather station for school

There are lots of reasons why a weather station for school will be welcomed as a valuable new resource to the school. Some of those given below are more suited to primary schools, others to secondary ones.
The weather station for school can help students understand the pleasures of learning all kinds of subjects. Weather also links naturally into many other subjects such as History , weather blog/website, , Maths , write stories about unusual weather , Art and even Sport.
The Role of The School’s Weather Station

Showing the current weather in the main foyer of the school is a great resource and talking point. Especially when the weather is unusual — hot days, cold mornings, torrential rains, etc.
In primary school, this gets students used to thinking scientifically, using units (ºC, millimeters of rain, etc.) and decimals. They will also learn to relate weather measurements to personal comfort, such as going outside during breaks. It can also help make practical decisions, for example, it’s raining so hard that we can’t use the playground.
Monitoring Data Display

Even a cheap weather station can be linked to a computer, so that readings from the weather station can be shown on the school’s website; So that readings from the weather station can be shown on the school’s website; this will impress parents and prospective parents. If the school is in a village or small town that is unlikely to have any other weather station, then this information can be useful for others in the community and help build links.
You can add many other features to the website weather display, such as satellite photographs, weather maps and even your own webcam looking at the sky. You could add pupils’ own photographs of weather events, such as frost or snow.
With the right (free) software, your weather readings can be sent automatically to the Met Office, where they are shown hour-by-hour on a website (called WOW) alongside thousands of others from all over the world – a great resource when teaching about UK and world climate.